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Day 2 – January 2nd, 2018

Woke up this morning and got Landon off to school, as I enjoyed hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon of kerrygold. By mid afternoon I was experiencing a few hunger pains here and there but they didn’t seem to last for more than a few minutes. Finding a good distraction to keep my mind or hands busy seems to do the trick in thworting off any hunger.

By 4 p.m. I was excited to eat for the first time in 21 hours. I had a Starbucks bacon Gouda sous vide and a green tea. Around 5 p.m. I made deviled eggs from avocados and a little bit of mayo. I spent the next hour preparing bacon wrapped brussel sprouts, wild Alaskan salmon cooked in butter and honey bourbon salt with a side of spinach and mushrooms.

I later found out that brussel sprouts are quite high in carbs so I’ll remember that for the future but other than that I did great today. It also helped that I started the day off by getting on the scale and saw 3.6 pound lost since yesterday. I assume that most of this is water weight so I’m not getting my hopes up too high.