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Day 4 – January 4th, 2018

7:45am – It’s been 3 full days and I’m officially down 7.8 pounds.  I know this is mostly water weight but it’s a really good feeling to see the scale consistently moving.

9:00am – Today is my first day back at work and I’m glad for the distractions.  After a few morning chats got a list of priorities to keep me busy for the next week! Hopefully I won’t be thinking too much about food.

Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 2.09.42 PM.png2:15pm – Being stuck indoors during this Cycloblizzardcane is making things tough. I’d normally break up the day with a visit to Starbucks and a trip to the gym.


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Day 3 – January 3rd, 2018

I am starting to feel the excitement of this adventure wear off a bit.  I’m still doing really great and on track, but I’m also starting to feel hungry more often.  I do find myself fantasizing about my meal at the end of the day.  It’s kind of cool because it allows me to really savor it.

Today was the last day of my afk from Automattic and I was determined to get some reading and relaxation in.  This of course was making me think more about how hungry I was but Joy came to my rescue.  She noticed that the bathroom sink was clogged and was determinned to use her baking soda + vinegar recipe to solve it.  She called it a “natural alternative to Drano”, I called it a sink volcano waiting to happen.  Well sure enough she managed to bust a pipe trying to force the clog out and I had to spend the afternoon rebuilding the bathroom sink.

Long story short natural disasters are a great distraction from hunger pangs.

Tonight I made chicken and veggies with a keto queso topping.  The queso was definitely the hero of the dish and helped me realize how wonderfully delicious food can be even without carbs.  I estimate about <1 carb in all the cheese you see in above.


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Day 2 – January 2nd, 2018

Woke up this morning and got Landon off to school, as I enjoyed hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon of kerrygold. By mid afternoon I was experiencing a few hunger pains here and there but they didn’t seem to last for more than a few minutes. Finding a good distraction to keep my mind or hands busy seems to do the trick in thworting off any hunger.

By 4 p.m. I was excited to eat for the first time in 21 hours. I had a Starbucks bacon Gouda sous vide and a green tea. Around 5 p.m. I made deviled eggs from avocados and a little bit of mayo. I spent the next hour preparing bacon wrapped brussel sprouts, wild Alaskan salmon cooked in butter and honey bourbon salt with a side of spinach and mushrooms.

I later found out that brussel sprouts are quite high in carbs so I’ll remember that for the future but other than that I did great today. It also helped that I started the day off by getting on the scale and saw 3.6 pound lost since yesterday. I assume that most of this is water weight so I’m not getting my hopes up too high.

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Day 1 – January 1st, 2018

I was very excited to get started today which is why I think it was so easy.  After 4pm today I made a Green Chef Meatloaf that we had in the fridge. It was not Keto ready so I had to do some magic to prepare it and the meatloaf came out great.

I’m excited to see how things go for the rest of the week.  I’ll continue to do quick checkins like this mostly just to document my own feelings and thoughts.